Advancing Web Development: Transitioning from Vanilla React to Next.js

Transitioning from Vanilla React to Next.js for Web Development Advancement

Embarking on a Transformation: From Vanilla React to Next.js in Web Development

Is your organization/team still using vanilla React in your projects? It might be time to consider a transition to Next.js. The move to Next.js isn't just an upgrade; it's like stepping into a completely new universe of web development possibilities.

Here are some key points to consider as you make the shift:


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Mental Shift: Next.js isn't just React with extra features; it's a different framework with its own best practices and conventions.

Data Fetching: Embrace the Next.js way of fetching and rendering data. It offers server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG) out of the box.

Routing: Say goodbye to manual route management. Next.js takes care of routing, making it more intuitive and efficient.

Data Fetching: The Next.js way of fetching and rendering data. It offers server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG) out of the box.

Components: While React components remain at the core, Next.js builds upon React, allowing you to write React components that are still highly reusable in the context of a Next.js application

SEO and Performance: Leverage Next.js features for SEO and performance optimization. It excels in these areas.

Official Recommendations: The React team now suggests using Next.js as the primary framework for your new projects.

Swizec Teller
@swizec - October 26, 2023

Built a full-stack serverless e-commerce app with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and Vercel in ~72 hours Super impressed with the developer experience so far! #nextjs #tailwindcss #vercel